Warren Farrell Quotes
Text Quotes
Men don’t oppress women any more than women oppress men (Warren Farrell Quotes)
Choosing safety is a choice of life over career (Warren Farrell Quotes)
A man perceives himself as owning and being owned by a woman (Warren Farrell Quotes)
Men have not stacked the decks against women (Warren Farrell Quotes)
Once boys’ and men’s challenges are clear, the question ‘why now’ quickly becomes ‘why didn’t we see this sooner?’ The answer? Virtually every society that survived did so by socializing its sons to be disposable (Warren Farrell Quotes)
And we reduce almost all male-female problems by working on both the female and the male. And that usually means having both sexes take responsibility (Warren Farrell Quotes)
In America and in most of the industrialized world, men are coming to be thought of by feminists in very much the same way that Jews were thought of by early Nazis. The comparison is overwhelmingly scary (Warren Farrell Quotes)
Letting men die is a money-saving device. Safety costs money as one safety official put it, ‘When everything is hurry, hurry, hurry, when you start pressuring people and taking shortcuts, things can go wrong. And then people die.’ No. And then men die (Warren Farrell Quotes)
When we hear men are the greater victims of crime, we tend to say, ‘Well, it’s men hurting other men.’ When we hear that blacks are the greater victims, we consider it racist to say, ‘Well, it’s blacks hurting blacks.’ the victim is a victim no matter who the perpetrator was (Warren Farrell Quotes)
We always look at the ‘Fortune 500,’ and we say, men in power, but we don’t look at the glass cellar as opposed to the glass ceiling and say, men also are the homeless, men are also the ones that are the garbage collectors. Men are also the ones dying in construction sites that aren’t properly supervised for safety hazards (Warren Farrell Quotes)
Is there discrimination against women? Yes. There’s no denying that the old boys’ network is alive and well. But there’s also discrimination against men (Warren Farrell Quotes)
When women are at the height of their beauty power and exercise it, we call it marriage. When men are at the height of their success power and exercise it, we call it a mid-life crisis (Warren Farrell Quotes)
In San Diego there is a highly popular course called How to Marry Money. Note that the marriage is to money--not to a person. I inquired about the percentage of men attending... ‘The course is really for women,’ [the instructor replied,] ‘it’s not relevant to men (Warren Farrell Quotes)
Our love for children is so immediate in part because we feel their powerlessness immediately; conversely, part of the way we deny our love for men is by denying men’s powerlessness. Too often we have confused love for men with respect for them, especially for their power to take care of us---which is really just love for ourselves (Warren Farrell Quotes)
Framework, (...) addiction to female beauty and sex; deprivation of the beautiful woman and sex with her until the man guarantees economic security in return; ( (Warren Farrell Quotes)
On a deeper level, if our sons are learning they are obscene, disgusting, and untrustworthy, is this the best preparation for fatherhood? And is it the best preparation for becoming a mother -- to feel this way about her son? (Warren Farrell Quotes)
Self-help books for those who believe You can have it all often advise, Follow your bliss and money will follow. With the collapse of the stock markets the reality of trade-offs is more like, When you follow your bliss, it’s money you’ll miss (Warren Farrell Quotes)
For thousands of years, most marriages were in Stage I--survival-focused. After World War II, marriages increasingly flirted with Stage II--a self-fulfillment focus... Love’s definition is in a transition (Warren Farrell Quotes)
[H]umans tend to start the process of change by acknowledging themselves thus blacks asserted black pride and black is beautiful; women declared I am woman, I am strong:;; men are saying I am man, I am okay. After a quarter of a century of male bashing, that’s not a bad start (Warren Farrell Quotes)
In a sense, in the area of child care, children’s relationships with parents’ working has come full circle. We have gone from the mom-and-pop store (or mom-and-pop farm), with its integration of child care and work, to children-at-home and dad-at-work; to the mom-plus-daddy working at home, with its integration of childcare and work again. From mom-and-pop back to mom-and-pop (Warren Farrell Quotes)
Women’s liberation and the male midlife crisis were the same search--for personal fulfillment, common values, mutual respect, love. But while women’s liberation was thought of as promoting identity, the male midlife crisis was thought of as an identity crisis (Warren Farrell Quotes)
The Government as Substitute Husband did for women what labor unions still have not accomplished for men. And men pay dues for labor unions; the taxpayer pays the dues for feminism. Feminism and government soon become taxpayer-supported women’s unions (Warren Farrell Quotes)
It is important for a father who feels pushed away [by the mom] to say, in effect, When you do that, I feel unwanted as a father, or I feel my rough-housing is not bad parenting; it’s my contribution to helping our child take risks. Women cannot hear what men do not say (Warren Farrell Quotes)
Male-female fusion does not create women’s rights. It creates a fusion of rights (Warren Farrell Quotes)
Both sexes allow men dentists inside our mouths, but, well, have you ever let a man who is a dental hygienist inside your mouth? The man must earn his way to our private places in a way not required of a woman--he must become the doctor or the dentist, or forget it (Warren Farrell Quotes)
The ‘enduring theme’ [in fiction] of male competition and female competition for the hero/survivor has taken us from the fittest surviving to the brink of no one surviving. Sex roles have gone from functional to dysfunctional almost overnight. This is why the enduring theme must be questioned now (Warren Farrell Quotes)
Women’s scars and rituals involved beauty (piercing ears and noses, binding feet, and wearing corsets); men’s involved protecting women. In cultures in which physical strength is still the best way to protect women, as among the Dodos in Uganda, each time a man kills a man, he is awarded a ritual scar; the more scars, the more he is considered eligible (Warren Farrell Quotes)
Why do we resist giving help to homeless men? In part because we don’t understand how our pressure on men to support families often forces men to take transient jobs that are but a step away from homelessness (the death-of-a-salesman jobs, the migrant worker jobs...) and in part because we respond differently to men who fail [than women who fail] (Warren Farrell Quotes)
Raising children was not designed for single parents. (Which is why divorce was such a taboo prior to birth control) (Warren Farrell Quotes)
Solutions: (...) Seek an understanding of the other sex’s best intent (Warren Farrell Quotes)